
Disponibilité : (Availability) Week end

From 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Half Day

Min : 1 - Max : 10


English - Italian

A partir de 210,00 €

Parachute near Rome

Have you ever dreamed of flying? It’s possible near Rome! After a theory class, jump from a plane over 4200 meters and go freefall accompanied by professional instructors and your parachute.

During a brief and clear presentation on the ground, the instructor will also explain the course of the throw, the dynamics of the flight and prepare you for the jump. It will also show you the equipment used and the systems that ensure your safety during the flight.

After a scenic flight of about 15 minutes in a sightseeing plane and once the altitude of 4.200 meters reaches you will jump into the vacuum attached to your instructor. The free fall lasts about 60 seconds at an average of 200 kilometers per hour! A minute of pure adrenaline!

After opening the parachute you will pilot it with the help of your instructor for six minutes before touching the ground gently. All you need is a little courage to get started and live a truly memorable unforgettable experience.


Parachute jump near Rome

– Parachute jump with a selfie taken by the tandem instructor

Price: € 240,00 per person

– With photos and HD video taken by an outside person

Price: € 270,00 per person

– With photos and HD video taken by an outside person and selfies taken by the tandem instructor

Price: € 310,00 per person

– The aerodrome is located about ten kilometers from Rome and is accessible by the metro and dedicated shuttle

– The round trip transfer fee from the metro C station is € 7,00 per person


Important information:

– Be at least 18 years old or be accompanied by a parent.

– Do not exceed a weight of 100 kg.

– Not recommended for people with particular diseases such as epilepsy or tachycardia.

– Do not dive within 24 hours of launch.

– Recommended clothing: sports shoes and comfortable clothes.


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